
Chile — is the coun­try with the longest coast­line in the world with exact­ly 4275km. Start­ing from Peru down to Patag­o­nia and includ­ing up to four dif­fer­ent cli­mat­ic zones. So you got­ta be pre­pared cloth­wise. Arriv­ing in Chile feels like arriv­ing in Spain — mod­ern infra­struc­ture, clean streets and new cars. Chile has a lot to offer, from vibrant cities to stun­ning landscapes.

Let me take you to a dig­i­tal through the mag­ic sur­round­ings of San Pedro de Ata­ca­ma, with hot steam­ing Geysirs, salty lagoons and bizarre yet colo­ful moun­tain ranges. Val­paraiso with its amaz­ing street arts, the chilean ori­gins of the famous pis­co in Vicuña-area, the beach-vibe of Antofa­gas­ta and Bahia Ingle­sa and the street-life and dunes of Viña del Mar, Con­con and La Ser­e­na.