Documentary Style Travel Photography

Hi, I‘m Jamin Mah­mood. With Jamin Vision I invite you to see the world through my lense. In my blog you can trav­el with me through coun­tries and con­ti­nents around the globe. Inhale their beaut­ful wildlife, stun­ning land­scapes and heart­warm­ing human beings. Sto­ry­telling x doc­u­men­tary style trav­el photography.

I start­ed pho­tog­ra­phy when I was 10 years old. Since then the cam­era was my tool to tell the sto­ries about my expe­ri­ences and travels.

From South-Amer­i­ca to South-East-Asia. The world is as diverse as the peo­ple liv­ing in it. There is absolute­ly noth­ing, where you can‘t find beau­ty in. It‘s always a mat­ter of per­spec­tive, sto­ry and mind­set. Hence the cam­era became my con­stant trav­el com­pan­ion (beside my beloved sig­nif­i­cant oth­er). As a result it enables me to cap­ture exact­ly these kind of mag­ic moments in a sto­ry­telling doc­u­men­tary style way pre­sent­ing them in this trav­el blog.

a meditating monkey on Sigiriya Rock in Sri Lanka by Jamin Vision

Picture The Storytelling Way

documentary style photography Jamin Vision

It‘s About the details

Take you time in times of insta­gram, quick likes and an atten­tion span of 0.28 sec­onds, because some­times it‘s worth take a sec­ond or even third look!

A lot of my pic­tures con­tain lit­tle details, which will not be seen at first sight. Some­times it is some­thing humor­ous. Some­times some­thing more thought­ful or some­times rather just a lit­tle but inter­est­ing detail.

That‘s why it‘s time to relax, lean back and start dis­cov­er­ing these lit­tle details. You will expe­ri­ence time dif­fer­ent­ly. Promise!

detailed bug of Jamin Vision documentary style photography
Chai Prepare Mountain storytelling photos
Documentary style photography by Jamin Mahmood
Jamin Mahmood storytelling travel photography
Jamin Vision nature photography by Jamin Mahmood

A Look Inside the world

Hel­lo there! This baby lama is very curi­ous. He‘s liv­ing with his moth­er on “fish­ers island” in the Uyu­ni Salt Flats in Bolivia.

An island with­in an ocean of end­less salt. Full of incred­i­bly mas­sive cac­tus with minus degrees at night and bone dry because hot tem­per­a­tures dur­ing the day. Dur­ing the rainy sea­son in Feb­ru­ary / March the whole Salt Flats of Uyu­ni turn into an infinte mir­ror and there­fore mak­ing it impos­si­ble to spot where the land ends and the sky begins. This lit­tle fel­low has found a quite beau­ti­ful but also sur­re­al habitat.

About me

Ger­man based, stud­ied eco­nom­ics, had a cor­po­rate job. Quit the cor­po­rate job and start­ed entre­pre­uneur­ial lifestyle in e‑commerce,so work­ing remote­ly. Fol­low­ing the pas­sion of trav­el­ing slow­ly and get to know new cul­tures while above all mem­o­riz­ing it in this blog through sto­ry­telling & doc­u­men­tary style pho­tog­ra­phy.

Jamin Mahmood of Jamin Vision

A documentary style travel photography blog

With Jamin Vision I invite you explore the world through my…yes, vision. It is a very detailed and col­or­ful world because I love the peo­ple, nature and the ani­mals inhab­it­ing it. From a macro­scop­ic mos­qui­to to the gen­tle giants of the sea, the blue whales. Respect­ing the envi­ron­ment is cru­cial for me.

Hence I like to keep the edit­ing low in order to reflect the real­i­ty as accu­rate as pos­si­ble. Also my equip­ment is not to fan­cy. I‘ll appe­ci­ate to trav­el light with a Pana­son­ic DSLM, three lens­es (trav­el, por­trait, macro) and some­times even just the smartphone.

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Sri Lan­ka

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