Colonia del Sacramento

Colo­nia del Sacra­men­to — if you have heard that the clocks stopped tick­ing in Uruguay, then this is definet­ly the case in Colo­nia del Sacra­men­to. Just a 90-minute fairy ride from Buenos Aires, this is the per­fect daytrip. Peo­ple are real­ly chilled here and you can spend your half day wan­der­ing through the streets. The city has a long his­to­ry though and is even declared as a UNESCO World Her­itage Site.

Strate­gi­cal­ly locat­ed at the Rio de la Pla­ta, it was a quite impor­tant city for both the Span­ish and Por­tuguese. So they start­ed fight­ing for it. For near­ly 150 years the con­trol has shift­ed every cou­ple of years between these two. Since 1828 it final­ly got under the flag of Uruguay.

You will find many muse­ums, old cars and cafes to fill your time until the fairy leaves back to BA.