
Tan­za­nia — if Lion King was real, it would take place here. This coun­try offers a lot of what the world has cre­at­ed. First of all its stun­ning wildlife. See­ing the big five won‘t be a prob­lem. Unfor­tu­nate­ly the rhi­no has become rare due to poach­ers. In this gallery you will find my impres­sions of the Ngoron­goro Crater and the Serengeti Nation­al Park, which shares its bor­ders with Kenia.

The term Serengeti has its ori­gins in the lan­guage of the Mas­sai and means “end­less land”. Sec­ond­ly Zanz­ibar — what a beau­ti­ful island with crys­tal blue water, amaz­ing jun­gles and hum­ble peo­ple. Moun­tain­wise we can find the Mt. Meru with 4565m with the best view to Mt. Kil­a­mand­scharo (5.895m), Afric­as tallest mountain.

We had a great stay in Tan­za­nia. The coun­try offers a lot of great oppor­tu­ni­ties to cap­ture the nature and wildlife. The peo­ple are very kind. We start­ed the trip on Zanz­ibar, rent­ed a car and explored the island. An island so beau­ti­ful, you want to live there. White sand beach­es, crys­tal clear blue water and the best sun­sets you can imag­ine. We con­tin­ued the tour with a 6‑day Safari. We booked at Leop­ard Tours and although it‘s not he most cheap agency, I can real­ly rec­om­mend it.

The guides were extrem­ly edu­cat­ed about the coun­try and espe­cial­ly the wildlife. They did speak per­fect Eng­lish and there was no ques­tion they couldn‘t answer. It was real­ly an out­stand­ing and edu­cat­ing expe­ri­ence. As the last tour of our 2‑weeks Tan­za­nia-Trip, we decid­ed to climb the Mount Meru. It is Afric­as sev­enth tallest moun­tain, with a great view over Afric­as tallest Moun­tain Mt. Kil­i­mand­scharo. Joshua, our guide, made sure we fin­ished the 3‑day trek safe­ly. It was incred­i­bly exhaust­ing, but definet­ly worth it.