Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires — what a vibrant and mod­ern city. We bare­ly noticed to be in South Amer­i­ca. Wan­der­ing through Paler­mo, you will feel like being in New York, Lon­don & Barcelona at the same time. We spent sev­en days here and could have spend sev­en more eas­i­ly. You might even make a short trip for a day or two to Uruguay like we did. There is no Argenti­na with­out a great steak. And what should I say — we were not disappointed.

At Hier­ro Par­il­la, locat­ed in a mar­ket hall, we had an amaz­ing­ly flavour­ful rib-eye right of the siz­zling hot char­coal grill accom­pa­nied by juicy grilled veg­gies. Due to the exchange rate, we paid no more than 13€ for every­thing! Anoth­er must-see is the month­ly demon­stra­tion of the madres de plaza de mayo, who have a sad sto­ry to share. If you‘re inter­est­ed in the more frosty part of Argenti­na, you might vis­it my Patag­o­nia Pho­to Gallery.