
Peruthe land of andean moun­tains, finest cui­sine, indige­nous peo­ple, incred­i­ble land­scapes and inca ruins. In this Peru Pho­to Gallery you will find choco­late in Are­quipa and the third deep­est canyon, named Col­ca, where you can watch con­dors cir­cling over your head. Also the high­est sit­u­at­ed nav­i­ga­ble lake in the world — Lake Tit­ti­ca­ca — inhab­it­ed by the Uros.

These indige­nous peo­ple live on float­ing islands made of Toto­ra reed. Anoth­er great high­light was the Salka­n­tay Trek to Machu Pic­chu. In 5 days and 80km, we came across Glac­i­er lagoons, high moun­tain pass­es and jung­ly forests to reach final­ly Machu Pic­chu. Peru is such a diverse coun­try which has a lot to offer for its vis­i­tor. Hence I can real­ly rec­om­mend it.

Additional and useful information

  • Choco­late Work­shop in the Cho­cholate Muse­um in Are­quipa: From bean to bar — Make your own choco­late. Real­ly inter­est­ing and pre­sent­ed by a great pas­sion­at­ed choco­lati­er. He explains the whole process of mak­ing choco­late and leads you prac­ti­cal­ly through each step.
  • Cook­ing class in Are­quipa with chef Arthur. He‘s real­ly nice and speaks mul­til-ingual. We opt­ed for the Andean Menu con­sist­ing of Chupe de Camerones & Roco­to Rel­leno (tra­di­tion­al Shrimp-Soup and Alpaca-stuffed pep­pers). It was incred­i­bly delicious.
  • Col­ca Canyon Tours 2‑day with Waiky Adven­tures: Even though it‘s a tough hike, I rec­om­mend the 2‑day Tour, since we heard from peo­ple that the same amount of hike in three days is to slow. It‘s the same hike, just in more time.
  • For stay­ing in Puno on Lake Tit­ti­ca­ca, I would rec­om­mend tak­ing an Airbnb direct­ly at one of the Uros islands. They are incred­i­bly friend­ly, pro­vide fresh trout for din­ner and explain their cul­ture real­ly patient­ly. Also you can do a daytrip to Taquile island, which you will also find in my Peru Pho­to Gallery. Since the city of Puno does not have that much to offer, I wouldn‘t rec­om­mend to stay in the actu­al city more than one night.